Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Nuts and Bolts of the Project

An example "Reading Corner" from mainland Ecuador
After a wonderful week of vacation for this volunteer, it was time to get back to work on the BookBus project. This week was busy at the Hacienda with other activities, so the BookBus project was not as action packed as weeks past, but it still involved some important budget making. The focus for this week and the upcoming week will be on the community “Reading Corners” that we are going to create (check out these incredible examples from the BookBus project already established in mainland Ecuador). The big goal for this week was to establish a budget for the materials we will need to put together these beautiful spaces of reading and learning. What does it take to put together a “Reading Corner” you might ask? Well we’re taking into account such important details as 5 pounds of nails, 15 gallons of paint, 50 screws, 10 paint rollers, and a package of garbage bags. We’ve compiled a budget with these important items, plus others, to send off to the offices in the UK and Quito to continue the planning process.

An example "Reading Corner" from mainland Ecuador
All of these tools will be used to establish “Reading Corners” in four different rural communities on San Cristobal: La Soledad, El Progreso, Cerro Verde, and Socabon. As Hacienda Tranquila is located in La Soledad, we were already able to gather the necessary information about this community. La Soledad has about 15 families, with 35 adults and 16 children; we are going to establish a “Reading Corner” in the community center there that will supply books, but will also give courses on topics such as computer and internet use, and agriculture. We are so excited about the possibilities we see in La Soledad, and cannot wait to explore the other three communities that we are going to work with on San Cristobal. Next week will be a busy one, visiting these three other communities to collect more information to send off to the UK and Quito; it will be another big step in our efforts to spread the love of learning in San Cristobal. Check in on Friday to hear all about it!

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